


MPM offers you a "real" added value. Our valuable services are adapted to your personal needs. In a first conversation, we determine together which services offer the best benefits for your environment and your family. A process that needs to be constantly adapted in today's social and political environment. We are here for YOU!

Asset Management

Our long-term investment style aims for sustained success by combining fundamental analysis with quantitative research. Macroeconomic facts and high-volume companies determine the investment policy of MPM in order to provide investors with long-term added value.

A solid top-down strategy in traditional markets and carefully selected best-in-class funds enable geographically well-positioned portfolios. MPM does not recommend short trading and keeps a critical distance from derivative investment products. Portfolio leverage, i.e. Lombard-Credits on securities are only practiced at the explicit request of the client in using strict valuation models.

A strong emphasis on megatrends, disciplined risk management and a strong focus on tax benefits are critical to regular success.


Protect your assets against depreciation and unwanted access.
A classic behavioral pattern of successful entrepreneurs: All the time is sacrificed to build up businesses and assets. But to think about the strategy for the long-term security of the acquired wealth, there is hardly any time. Personal and financial conditions change very quickly in the global environment and suddenly you find yourself in conflict-prone structures.

Ask the right questions at the right time:

Are your business units, real estate, bank accounts and your family assets properly structured and legally secured?
The freedom of movement of large assets not only requires high administrative costs due to tight regulations, tax laws and often conflicting regulations, but is also increasingly severely restricted. Only a high degree of security and freedom of action for your 'assets' will guarantee the competitiveness and value of your life's work.

Stability in the multicultural and multinational legal environment:

The high mobility and globalization in all areas of life gives the modern entrepreneur investment opportunities and commitments around the world. Company parts and investments, investments, real estate and holiday homes are often scattered internationally. Different fiscal and legal systems require comprehensive knowledge in the jungle of international law.
The global focus is increasingly leading to modern 'patchwork families' with multinational structures. You commute between several domiciles from Hong Kong via Dubai to the Mediterranean to Miami, have multiple passports through multiple citizenships and speak several languages. Mixed marriages combine different temperaments, mentalities and legal opinions. Succession arrangements and locally colored agreements become waste in this environment. If there is no stable structure here in the sense of asset-protection, disputes and inheritance cases are the result of long-standing disputes that prejudice family wealth. Assets in states with unstable legal certainty require special protection. Hardly comprehensible and permanently changing provisions, corruption and confiscatory tax rates hinder freedom of action.
Unprofessional acting in a difficult environment requires a lot of time and can seriously jeopardize the return and competitiveness of your activities.

Your clear decision can be your best investment:

Prevent your life's work from being dismembered with every generation change, system or even government change. Secure the future of your descendants and protect your assets from unwanted access.

  • Get informed early on about new or upcoming regulations and regulations.
  • Save yourself unpleasant surprises and tax traps.
  • Secure the future of your children and your family.
  • Prevent your assets from getting bogged down with every generation change.
  • Get a legal basis with strong ownership
  • Create an important international competitive advantage through transparency - tax benefit - legality - property protection

Avoid the way into the destaster and let independently and competently examine your structural risk profile.
Just when everything goes well, you should prepare the future. MPM and its competent network knows the mechanisms from decades of experience and would like to share this knowledge with you. We offer accuracy, punctuality and innovative solutions.
The duty of ownership requires a quick and courageous step out of the shadows. Surprisingly affordable, personally tailored solutions provide you with the best possible global protection and discretion in internationally recognized legal structures such as foundations, trusts or offshore structures. This will give you a high degree of security and freedom of action for your life's work.

Family Office Service

Our services are tailored to the needs of family offices and to the specific demands of major family assets. We want to be active in the interest of your family and each individual family member.

The financial or legal adviser of a family, person in charge of a private family office, asset manager or trust specialist knows the claims of his clients. We help you to fulfill them. For large families with many members, it is only natural that different opinions and interests should be considered. Generational change is the challenge, so that large family fortunes are not bailed out or even companies are in danger.

The network of MPM offers you professional service for

  • Construction of family documentation and regulations
  • Central custody of securities (global custody)
  • Control and selection of products and administrators
  • Management of portfolios of family members
  • Structuring and construction of legal structures (offshore services)
  • Building and securing your communication structure
  • International legal and tax advice
  • Uniform investment reporting

For the entire duration of the business relationship, a specialist as a trusted person will be at your complete disposal.